

Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Eastern Wisconsin Biomedical Association (EWBA).


Section 1. The object of the association shall be to advance the development and role of the biomedical profession in the health care institution by:

1. Providing a medium for the interchange of ideas among members and dissemination of information to members.

2. Providing and conducting regular meetings, conferences, and educational programs.

3. Encouraging and assissting members to develop their knowledge and increase their competence in the field of biomedical engineering/technology.

Section 2. The association is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes as a not for profit association. It shall be so conducted that no part of its income and earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member, director, officer, or other individual.

Section3. This association shall not interfere in any way between its members and their employees and shall not encourage any project or enterprise that will interfere with perfect harmony between them. Its meetings shall not be used for political or religious discussions, except lobbying for advancement of the association.


Section 1. Active Membership

1. Active Membership shall be granted to persons of good moral character who work for a health care facility, and in no way conflicts with the operation of that facility.

2. Anyone may submit to the association’s chairperson application for membership.

Section 2. Associate Membership

1. Associate Membership may be granted to the following persons:

(a) Technical people from governmental health care regulating agencies.

(b) People from other organizations which provide technical services to health care facilities.

2. The chapter at its option, can accept Associate Membership. Associates cannot be Active Members and as such have no vote. They can serve on committees. Associates can attend business meetings as observers and can actively attend and participate in educational programs or seminars. Associates shall pay full dues and other membership costs of attending meetings, social and educational programs. Associates can be listed on the chapter roster but must be clearly designated as associates.

Section 3. Student Membership

1. Any student in electronics or a medically related field may apply for membership.

2. The chapter at its option, can accept Student Membership. Students cannot be Active Members and as such have no vote. They can serve on committees. Students can attend business meetings as observers and can actively attend and participate in educational programs or seminars. Students shall pay partial dues and other membership costs of attending meetings, social and educational programs. Students can be listed on the chapter roster but must be clearly designated as students.

Section 4. Emeritus

To become and Emeritus Member, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

1. Be fully retired from professional employment in the field.

2. Have been a Regular Member of EWBA for five prior years.

3. Be 62 years of age on the date of application for transfer to Emeritus.

4. Applicants younger than 62 years of age will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

5. An EWBA Regular Member who becomes disabled and is fully retired may apply for Emeritus status regardless of age.


Section 1. A regular meeting of this chapter shall be held monthly (9 months/year).

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President.


Section 1. The officers of this association shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Program Director.

Section 2. Officers shall be-elect and in tallied at the May meeting and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed the following year.

Section 3. In the event that an officer shall become unable to perform the duties of the office, the next lower ranking officer shall move up to the vacant office. However, if a vacancy occurs three months prior to the May meeting, the group will elect a member to serve as the acting officer until the election meeting.


Section 1. The President shall preside at all monthly meetings. It shall be the President’s duty to exercise general supervision over the activities and welfare of the association.

Section 2. The Vice President shall assume all duties and responsibilities of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President. The Vice President is President-Elect for the upcoming year. The Vice President is also the nominating committee delegate for the state group.

Section 3. The Secretary shall issue notices of meetings, keep a roster of members, file an annual report, and perform such duties as may be requested by the President consistent with the by-laws, policies, and other commitments of the association. The Secretary shall attend and keep minutes of the association meetings. In the event of the Secretary’s absence from a meeting or inability to perform the duties of their office, the President shall appoint a Temporary Secretary for this purpose.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds, book of account, and all valuable papers of the association. The Treasurer shall keep a set of books of entry containing in detail, the financial transactions of the association. All receipts shall be deposited within one week of their receipt in the bank. The Treasurer and/or President shall have authority to sign all checks, drafts, and notes drawn by the association at each meeting. The Treasurer shall compile roster balance of all paid membership.

Section 5. The Program Director shall be responsible for coordinating educational programs for the nine monthly meetings, which includes, making arrangements or assuring that arrangements are made for each session.


Section 1. Nominations

1. The following office positions shall be nominated for election to office at the May meeting: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Program Director.

Section 2. Elections

1. The candidate with the largest number of votes will be elected for each office being filled.

2. Write-in candidates will not be allowed, since active members will have had the opportunity to make nominations from the floor.

3. No person shall be elected to office in this association who has not been an active member of the association for at least six months.

4. Each active member present at the election meetings will have one vote, and no member shall vote by proxy.


Section 1. There will be 2 Delegates and 1 Student Delegate elected to serve on the board for the Wisconsin Biomedical Associations.

Section 2. Delegates will be nominated and elected as stated in Article VII.

Section 3. Delegates will serve two-year terms and be elected into office in alternate years.

Section 4. Student Delegates will serve a one-year term and be elected into office.

Section 5. Delegates will take office following the annual state convention.

Section 6. Delegates will attend the state meetings and take office at the board meeting directly proceeding the annual conference.


Section 1. The President shall appoint any special committees as necessary or as the need arises from among the members.


Section 1. A per capita fee of $15 per year for all Active Members is payable at the September meeting.

Section 2. A per capita fee of $15 per year for all Associate Members is payable at the September meeting.

Section 3. A per capita fee of $5 per year for all Student Members is payable at the September meeting.

Section 4. A per capita fee of $0 per year for all Emeritus Members.

Section 5. Dues are required by the November meeting.

Section 6. Successful applicants for membership joining for a partial year will be assessed on a prorated basis.


Section 1. The Treasurer shall send a roster to the State Treasurer as required by the State Association prior to January 1st of each year. The roster will list:

1. All Active Paid Members

2. Chapter Officers For Coming Year

3. Student Members & Associates

4. State Delegates

Section 2. NONDISCRIMINATION – this organization or any representative of this organization will not discriminate in any manner on the basis of age, race, color, handicap, sex, creed, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, marital status, or religion.


Section 1. These By-Laws may be altered, amended, or repealed by a simple majority vote of the total active members attending the monthly meetings.

Section 2. Any proposed amendments may be discussed at the May meeting or any meeting proceeding the May meeting. Any proposed changes not discussed at, or prior to, the May meeting will not be voted on until the following year. All proposed changes must be mailed to all facilities, having EWBA members, one week prior to the May meeting. It is the responsibility of that facility’s designee to distribute copies to the respective members at that facility.


The board of directors may expel any member who neglects to comply with these By-Laws or whose conduct is detrimental to the EWBA. Before the board of directors can expel a member, written charges shall be filed with the board of directors and the Secretary shall furnish the individual a copy of the charges and a notice of the time and place where the board will consider such charges. A member may appear before the board to answer such charges and present such proof as the member may have relative to the charges. After such hearing, the board shall determine whether the member shall be expelled. The decision of the board shall be final.